What Should I Expect on the Postal Service Test?

When you take Postal Service Exam 473, you can expect four distinct sections, all of which are designed to determine whether you have the skills to do the job for which you’re applying and the personality to fit within the USPS culture.

Part A gives you several addresses to compare. Your job is to determine whether they’re the same or different. The differences can be big (such as a different city) or small, such as a typo or a ZIP code that’s just one number off.

Take the Address Checking test here. 

Part B gives you some standards USPS forms and asks you how to fill them out. Read the questions carefully to make sure you don’t make any absent-minded mistakes.

Take the Forms Completion test here.  

Part C is divided into two parts, coding and memory, and the former can help you immensely on the latter. In both parts, you place addresses into the correct code, with the only difference being you get a reference sheet for the coding section, but you have to work off your memory for the second section.

Take the Coding test here. 

Part D is a personality test to help determine how well you might fit in with the USPS culture. For this part of the test, all you can do is be honest and answer all the questions to the best of your ability.
Take the Memory test here.